Casa de Valpereiro Praemium Organic Olive Oil - Fábrica do Azeite

Casa de Valpereiro Praemium Organic Olive Oil

Casa de Valpereiro Praemium Organic Olive Oil


Olive oil with green fruit and notes of fresh grass and tomato. Slightly bitter and spicy. Accompanies white meats, mil risottos, fish and vegetables.

Varieties: Cobrançosa, Cordovil, Madural and Verdeal.

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SKU: AZ0225 Category:


The society agriculture Alberto Manso Lda. – Casa de Valpereiro is an agriculture family house, which it´s origins date back to the beginning of the XVIII century.

The organic extra virgin olive oil Casa de Valpereiro, DOP olive oil of Trás-os-Montes and of Organic Agriculture, comes from olives of traditional cultivars of the Trás-os-Montes region, namely Verdeal, Madural, Cordovil and Cobrançosa. Every year they are harvested on the right moment of maturity and with immediate extraction of the mill.