Olival da Risca Olive Oil Garlic (100ml) - Fábrica do Azeite

Olival da Risca Olive Oil Garlic (100ml)

Olival da Risca Olive Oil Garlic (100ml)


An olive oil where the fresh garlic gives the olive oil a balanced and direct flavor with your olive oil. This olive oil is the ideal follow-up for tomatoes, salads, pastas or for tasting with bread


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Risca grande represents about 35.000 olive trees with ages until 800 years. The olive grooves bet on portuguese varieties of olives such as: Cobrançosa, Galega Vulgar, Cordovil, Galega Grada de Serpa, Gamenha, Verdeal, Carrasquenha e Mançanilha.

A property where lemons, limes, tangerines, herbs and spices grow of demeter quality.

A big characteristic is the fact that the process is exclusively from demeter olives, originating from our olive grooves.